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Festival Rules

1. The hours for the festival are Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.  You are expected to stay set up for the duration of the show.  It will NOT be canceled for bad weather.  We will be at the corner of Lucky Street and Main Street at 8:00 a.m. Friday morning to assign your space.  You will not be allowed to set up before this time.  You will be given a space number upon arrival.  Do not call ahead asking for your space number.  Those who have canopies, bring blocks to anchor your corners because you will be on the street.
2. All traffic must enter Main Street (at Walgreen’s) in one direction during the festival.  There is a limit of two (2) vehicles per booth allowed on Main Street at one time. 
3. Vendor spaces are non-transferable.
4. Priority is given to repeat vendors who have a positive relationship with the festival.
5. Priority is given to crafters who make their own wares.  Commercial vendors are discouraged and are given lowest priority,
6. We expect all vendors to present a clean and orderly appearance.
7. Each rented space is ten feet by ten feet (10x10).  You may rent more than one space.  All of your wares, booth equipment and tie-downs must be within the space(s) you rented.  The festival reserves the right to site and assign to all vendors.  We cannot accommodate special requests.
8. All vehicles must be moved out of the Festival area by 10:30 a.m. Friday morning and by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.  No vehicles will be allowed back into the festival area before 5:30 p.m. on Saturday and until you are completely dismantled and ready to load.
9. Each vendor is responsible for the security of their concession booth, wares and vehicles.  Officers from the Westminster Police Department patrol the area occasionally; however, security is your responsibility.
10. The following items are strictly prohibited from sale or as awards or prizes:  Any type of aerosols, poppers, silly string, stink bombs, alcohol, fireworks of any type, weapons, knives (except those that are had made by the exhibitor and approved in advance of set up by the event chair), toy caps pistols, caps for cap pistols, bows and/or arrows of any type or any item deemed controversial, tasteless or offensive by the festival staff.  Any vendor selling these items will be asked to leave and no refunds of fees will be made. 
11. No pets are allowed inside the Festival area.  No exceptions.
12. You are responsible for collecting and reporting South Carolina sales tax.
13. Returned checks will incur a $30 processing fee in addition to the amount of the check.  All concession fees remitted after the deadline must be by money order.  The deadline for submitting Arts and Crafts Applications is June 30.
14. Violation of these rules may result in removal from the Arts & Crafts Show and denial of future participation in this event.
15. These rules will be strictly enforced in the interest of safety and to promote this event as a family type of festival.   No warnings will be issued for infractions.  Concessionaries violating any rules will be removed from the event.
16. Due to Covid 19, we ask that you make your area as safe as possible by providing hand sanitizer and encouraging masks. 


Also See:


Below you will find a downloadable vendor application.  However, submission of an application and payment of the fee does not guarantee acceptance.  You will be notified whether or not your concession is approved after your application is reviewed.  Refunds will be sent to vendors whose applications are denied. The exhibitor’s fee is $150.00 for both days of the festival.


 Return your completed application with your check made payable to the “South Carolina Apple Festival” and mail to:


    Arts and Crafts Chairman

    South Carolina Apple Festival

    P.O. Box 206

    Westminster SC 29693


No applications will be accepted after June 30th.  No refunds given after August 10th for cancellation or no-shows.


 We look forward to having you with us in September, but we need to hear from you as soon as possible so that we can insure your reservation.



The Exhibitor's Committee

please download, sign, and return both documents

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